Daily Draw-

Today I am using a spread I discovered years ago on the now read-only Aecletic Tarot forum. No link because I stopped participating there long before it closed due to uh, reasons, but Google is always there for you. This spread is courtesy of the lovely Thorhammer, who I do jot know apart from the forum so I can’t give her better credit.

The Naked Heart Tarot- Seven of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Four of Pentacles, Strength

The first card is What I Did Well Today. The second card is What to Carry with Me into Tomorrow. The third card is What to Leave Here.

Today I did a good job of planting seeds for the future and harvesting those I have already tended. I have done that in the form of updating my blog and social media and getting my Bullet Journal up to date as well, as reflected by the Seven of Pentacles.

Going forward, I need to remember to take time to rest and relax. For the past several months every time the Four of Swords has appeared in a reading I have fallen ill. I am going to try to avoid that this week by getting to bed early and resting enough instead of burning my candle at both ends.

The Four of Pentacles in my what to leave behind is my miserly attitude. Creativity has to spent completely every day, to be refilled the next, or it goes to waste. I often work and act as if I have limited creative resources that once I use up I will be no longer be a creative person. Seeing that written makes me realize how silly that is. Leave it all on the page, you.

Strength was the card at the bottom of the deck, which I often consider a kind of shadow energy to a reading. Most things are doable for a day but I am running a lifelong marathon and I need to pace myself accordingly while being disciplined, about eating and writing mostly.

These images are from The Naked Heart Tarot by Jillian C. Wilde

New Deck Interview – The Naked Heart Tarot

Today begins a week of work with a self published deck by Jillian C. Wilde, The Naked Tarot.  This deck was originally funded via Kickstarter, and according to man emails I have received from the creator, their seems to have been some quality control issues with the first run of the deck.  The plan seems to be to release a new deck in July 2018, so this seems a good time to devote a week to working with this deck.  I have zero issues with my deck physically, and it is beautifully presented and perfect in every way.

I am using a spread via my friend Lisa Lloyd at Angelorum.  This is one of my daily read blogs and Lisa is a knowledgeable and passionate teacher.

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New Deck Interview – The Naked Heart Tarot
  1.  Why I need you in my life- Ten of Swords.  It is time for me to rise up again.  I have been experiencing a long dark night of the soul, tarot included.  I have many plans and lots of good works but I have felt as if the effort of accomplishing them is beyond me.  This is, of course, mostly an attitude problem, and Swords are the the suit of attitudes, but those can be the most difficult to overcome.  So much turmoil as my kids become self sufficient adults, adding two new grandbabies, taking total responsibility for one of them when my husband and I had made a conscious choice to be done raising children.  I have never dealt with change easily or without a lot of inner strife, and I tend to reflect my negative energy inwards and take it out on myself.  I have felt emotionally and physically drained for several months, and the first thing I do in those times is the last thing I should do- let go of tarot and writing.  Tens are the end of a cycle, and this cycle of strife has ended for me.  I am ready to begin anew, which is reflected in the following cards.  This deck is perfect for helping me end one painful phase and move on to a brighter one.
  2. How to work together- Judgement is one of those cards that seems slippery to me.  The typically Christian iconography of the dead answering the trumpet call of a resurrection angel is very particular yet the concept does not always resonate.  I most often interpret Judgement as a call that one can choose to answer, or not.  I have read that inside the chrysalis, a caterpillar becomes utter goo, a glob of nothingness, without form.  I have felt that of myself in the past several months- formless, aimless, and utterly unsure when I will emerge or what I will see when I do.  So, the deck calls, which I feel is simply a way to pick the voice of the Divine from the din of the world, and I will answer, if I choose.  A butterfly forced from its’ protective shell before its’ time would die.  There will be no forcing me to move along.  I can choose to heed the call.
  3.  How you challenge me- The Magician.  This is a deck that will require me to use my inner resources to grow and to learn.  I will not be spoon fed knowledge or peace, but both are there for me to earn through my diligent investment.  I have struggled with showing up recently.  Anything more than survival has seemed too lofty a goal.  But now I have more energy and resources at my disposal so I am ready to invest them wisely.  I will have to look with my eyes and not get too hung up on second guessing myself.
  4. Greatest strength- Ace of Swords.  This is a logical and clear communicating deck with a penchant for sparking new ideas.  Words will not be minced.  There is much potential, but as the other card depicting a butterfly, Judgement, the choice is mine to follow that potential on butterfly wings.
  5. Greatest weakness- Father of Cups.  I am a bit of a wallower at times, wallowing in my feelings, soaking them all up and allowing them to steer me, cresting waves of emotion dictating my days at times.  This deck can’t stop that, and may even give me opportunity to lose myself in feelings.  The trick I have to utilize is to recognize what is healthy acknowledgment of what I am feeling and when I am allowing it to become crashing waves around me.  Whales are unique animals, who live their lives wholly in the water, which in tarot is often representative of emotions, but who must breather air, which the Swords heavily represented in this reading remind me to use my logical thoughts and choosing precise words to counteract my overwhelming feelings.

I am excited to see what my week of working with The Naked Heart Tarot brings!  Please visit the creator’s site to support the deck and learn how to get your own copy.  Thanks to Lisa for making an outstanding Deck Interview Spread!