Luminous Mind, Luminous Body, Luminous Spirit

It has been some time since I have publicly worked with the cards. A troubled marriage culminated in divorce, figuring out how to be a single middle aged lady with no husband, no kids at home, new connections, new career paths- those are what has kept me from writing, and honestly at times kept me from my cards.

At times, I have been leery of the cards, even. They said my former husband was it, the one. At every step, they affirmed our relationship. This was meant to be, we had this. But in fairness, at the worst moments of the realizing the marriage wasn’t going to work, I was not consulting the cards at all. I didn’t need them to tell me what I could feel in every cell of my body, and I didn’t have a way forward so I did what every good INFP does and utterly disassociated. My former husband made some choices that changed the outcome, I made some choices that changed the outcome, and here we are. I loved him deeply, and I will hold affection and fond memories of him until the end of time, but I have critical needs that weren’t being met, and eventually not having those things became more painful than the prospect of divorce, even with the emotional, financial, and physical mess caused. Sometimes you just have to do the thing.

The Luminous Void Tarot – Nine of Cups, The Hanged Woman, Three of Cups

I am re entering the writing about my cards world today with a simple Mind, Body, Spirit spread.

The first card, indicating Mind, is the wishes fulfilled celebratory Nine of Cups. I am indeed joyful in my mind at this time, and gratefully so. I am closer today than ever before to having the things I want most in life, love and time to write being at the top of that list. I am surrounded by love daily, in this quaint old farmhouse where I live with my nesting partner, one sentient dust mop of a fluffy white dog, one silky perpetual kitten-cat, and the grandchildren tramping through on school breaks and the weekends. The nightly shared dinners, the twilight strolls, and the sweet flow of connection makes every day simple but delightful. My mind is self satisfied, as it should be.

My second card represents my Body, and with her long dark hair even resembles my physical form a bit. The Hanged Man is a card that says, we are waiting for the surrender, yet promises healing. I am in limbo physically at the moment, recovering from a long stint of anemia caused by blood loss. Anemia is such a strange condition, and a true frog steaming in gradually increasing hot water situation, in which it is manageable until suddenly it isn’t. There is no quick road to recovery either; just time and diligent consumption of iron supplements and rich foods. It is not life threatening, except when it is, and is not alarming or others to hear, so I am not sure everyone I have explained the situation to has understood the depth of my lack of energy, or will, to complete even simple tasks, or how it has made achingly tired, to the point of hospitalization more than once this summer. My iron reserves are beginning to build, and with that energy, but it is a slow process. I am now more aware of the signs and will not let it get to that point again, but in the meantime my only choice is surrender to this season and enjoy what I can have while not becoming bitter over what I can’t.

My Spirit card is the Three of Cups, the joyful, exuberant, toasting Three of Cups. My Spirit is delighted. It indicates true connection, and by divesting myself of dead ones that no longer functioned, I have made room for new ones that fill my senses. In the corporeal world, enjoying new friendships and romantic connections is enriching my life in countless ways, while in the ethereal realm, I am learning to allow the different aspects of my own Self to shine, to rage when they need to, to connect, and to flow. One of the things I often say to my partners is that I am feeling ever more myself. Yes, partners, another delightful synchronicity in the Three of Cups. Tarot always tells the truth.

New Deck Interview – The Luminous Void Tarot

Happy surprise this morning when digging through my deck I discovered a treasure- The Luminous Void Tarot by Laura Zuspan, an impulse purchased in Salida, Colorado when on a trip with the man last October if you can believe that. My tarot tastes have changed, in that I was once a voracious consumer of all new decks, but now am quite discerning in what I choose to add to the collection. The natural limitation of space of money has curbed my collection, although I suspect the man would say not nearly enough. But life is short and if there is a chance to hold 78 tiny pieces of art and symbolism in my hands, why would I pass that up?

I am using the New Deck Interview Spread originally gleaned from the now defunct Aeclectic Tarot forum that has served me well all this time.

The Luminous Void Tarot – New Deck Interview Spread

Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic? Eight of Cups- This deck is emotionally draining! We say that about a human or situation and we mean it in a negative way, but I am coming to believe some emotions need to be drained, and don’t need to be held in our reserves and distributed through all our cups which we use to navigate life and relationships. I expect this deck will be cleansing, but I am not expecting “easy”. I know for certain I am carrying some negative emotions that may be hard to release, but I believe this deck can help me to do that. Rather than the Waite Smith version of the card, which features a figure walking away from an impossible configuration, the woman in this card wades through the muck and mire to be the instrument of her own healing right where she is. Sometimes, the best course of action is to remove ourselves, but when we can’t do that, we have to address our surroundings.

What are your strengths as a deck? Knight of Discs- The Luminous Void Tarot excels in delivering messages about the earthly plane, including health, career, and money. This is such a good quality to possess! Many people ask questions about love and esoteric matters, but tarot is also good to help us process the daily things that come up.

What are your limits as a deck? King of Discs- Kings are mature energy of a suit, and this deck is telling me there are few limits, but the best use of the deck is for the fulfillment of health and resources.

What are you here to teach me? Six of Wands- Always a card of triumph, often through sustained effort. Since this deck seems heavily focused on the material world, and how emotions affect our perception of that world, I can surmise that this deck will teach me to be victorious through sustained effort, which is both physical and emotional. It also reassures that the victory is mine, do I but see the effort through.

How can I best learn from and collaborate with you? Five of Cups- I need to be willing to cry, and cry hard. Like many people, I spend a lot of energy in the avoidance of tears, like they are a bad thing, a weak thing, or an unproductive thing. Fives are destabilized from the solid energy of Four and haven’t found the footing of the Six we just saw, and Cups concern our emotional landscape. Shit really does happen and need grieving at times, and allowing the space for that grief is a vital part of healing.

What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? Three of Swords- Okay no one likes seeing this shitty card, and there seems to be a lot of confusion about why the card of heartbreak belongs in the Airy, mind focused suit of Swords. My personal thought on this is the worst pain I ever feel is when what I thought to be true proves not to be. The story I have been running through my head, my perception of reality, actually is not real at all, at least to anyone but me. I don’t feel this deck is going to break my heart, but if it should, it will be the necessary breaking so that I can see the truth, whatever that may be, and not remain in a distorted truth of my own making.

I am unfamiliar with the work of Laura Zuspan, but a quick Google led me to her site. I am excited to embark on a new stage of tarot writing, with a new deck in hand to guide me along.

New Deck Interview – Twisted Tales Tarot

Today I am begin a week of work with the self published Twisted Tales Tarot, a deck conceived and illustrated by the team of Christine Aguiar and James Battersby.

I am using my faithful standby New Deck Interview spread by FireRaven found on the now read only Aeclectic Tarot Forum.

Twisted Tales Tarot

The first position reads, “Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?” The Page of Swords answers in a robotic tone, “I expose the faulty thought patterns that lead to the breakdown of intelligent systems.” The artist seems focused on the aspect of the Page of Swords that is often depicted as a young spying person, someone with wit and intelligence but lacking in compassion and emotional maturity. I can expect blunt answers given without pretty window dressing around them.

The second position asks, “What are your strengths as a deck?” “Ma’am, I don’t know much about this world but I do know we come into it naked without a cent to our name and we leave the same.” The Eight of Cups is often read as abandonment of a hopeless situation, and this grim image takes it to the extreme. A poker game gone wrong, and all those dollars and coins left on the table. This deck is good at stripping away false idols.

The third card will describe “What are your limitations as a deck?”  The Knight of Swords brashly declares, “I go where I want and I do what I want.”  This deck has already described itself as brash and non-sentimental, and just to make sure I really understand that the slight maturation of the Page from the opening question has appeared to emphasize the point.  This card is a depiction of Jeff the Killer, by the way.

The fourth card asks, “What do you bring to the table- What are you here to teach me?”  In response, the Queen of Wands lets loose a single arrow, not meant to main or kill, but to get my attention.  In my own personal mythology, Medusa is rage made flesh, wreaking revenge on those who would defile the beauty and soul of another person for their own selfish pleasures.  In my personal landscape of allegory, snakes are the most terrifying thing I could encounter, yet the gorgon lives contentedly with hers.  That which I fear is the source of immense power.

Card number five reveals, “How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?”  The Fool, who I assume is me, is being invited and cajoled with sweets.  I already know this deck will not be the kind to sugar coat things, but maybe I want to think it will, and maybe that is okay for now.  Once I have seen a thing I can’t unsee it, so whatever it takes to get me to look may be justified.  I have to be willing to sit with the discomfort of not really knowing where I am going with the deck, and with not being promised reassuring answers, but that doesn’t mean what I learn won’t be for my highest good, even if it doesn’t come in a pretty love and light box with a bow.

The final card addresses, “What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?”  The Tower, my long nemesis, here depicted as a nuclear cooling tower.  The creator describes The Tower as unsettling revelations and , destruction of established ideals, patterns of behavior, long held beliefs, and relationships.  For someone as deeply connected to routine and as afraid of change, which in my life has usually meant for the worse, as myself, the Tower is a terrifying card.  Yet this time, I welcome it.  I am feeling a bit stale and am ready for some shakeups.  I would prefer they weren’t on the level of nuclear meltdown, but while we can control some aspects of life, the Tower usually comes into play wild and out of control.

From this New Deck Interview, I am anticipating that this deck will give me a week of frank and to the point readings, often revealing truth that I was not prepared to face, but need to.  This is disconcerting, but I would always rather know the truth than be trying to work with a lie.

I have been experiencing a long dark night of the tarot soul, well maybe just my human soul, for a while now.  My days and nights are passing in almost a fugue state.  I have been deliberately not looking at my life objectively, feeling powerless to change some things that are making me deeply unhappy, and sometimes I wonder what right I even have to be so unhappy.  I live in a warm and safe home with a husband who loves me, my one child left at home, a trio of happy doggos, and the granddaughter whom I adore.  We can pay our bills and afford a few small luxuries.  My discontent seems a radically selfish thing to me, and yet, it exists.  It’s there.  This doesn’t have anything to do with the reading, or maybe it has everything to do with the reading, I don’t know.  But I feel like I am walking through water, and it is making every task in life about 800 times harder than it needs to be. My lifelong loves, tarot, reading, and writing, have fallen to the wayside.  It seems too hard, too much effort, to shuffle, to type, to digest the words.  Even typing that brings the sharp pinprick of tears in my eyes, because these things have always been my touchstone, my port in any storm, and to feel stripped of them now is a deep sorrow to me.

Daily Draw-

Today I am using a spread I discovered years ago on the now read-only Aecletic Tarot forum. No link because I stopped participating there long before it closed due to uh, reasons, but Google is always there for you. This spread is courtesy of the lovely Thorhammer, who I do jot know apart from the forum so I can’t give her better credit.

The Naked Heart Tarot- Seven of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Four of Pentacles, Strength

The first card is What I Did Well Today. The second card is What to Carry with Me into Tomorrow. The third card is What to Leave Here.

Today I did a good job of planting seeds for the future and harvesting those I have already tended. I have done that in the form of updating my blog and social media and getting my Bullet Journal up to date as well, as reflected by the Seven of Pentacles.

Going forward, I need to remember to take time to rest and relax. For the past several months every time the Four of Swords has appeared in a reading I have fallen ill. I am going to try to avoid that this week by getting to bed early and resting enough instead of burning my candle at both ends.

The Four of Pentacles in my what to leave behind is my miserly attitude. Creativity has to spent completely every day, to be refilled the next, or it goes to waste. I often work and act as if I have limited creative resources that once I use up I will be no longer be a creative person. Seeing that written makes me realize how silly that is. Leave it all on the page, you.

Strength was the card at the bottom of the deck, which I often consider a kind of shadow energy to a reading. Most things are doable for a day but I am running a lifelong marathon and I need to pace myself accordingly while being disciplined, about eating and writing mostly.

These images are from The Naked Heart Tarot by Jillian C. Wilde

New Deck Interview – The Naked Heart Tarot

Today begins a week of work with a self published deck by Jillian C. Wilde, The Naked Tarot.  This deck was originally funded via Kickstarter, and according to man emails I have received from the creator, their seems to have been some quality control issues with the first run of the deck.  The plan seems to be to release a new deck in July 2018, so this seems a good time to devote a week to working with this deck.  I have zero issues with my deck physically, and it is beautifully presented and perfect in every way.

I am using a spread via my friend Lisa Lloyd at Angelorum.  This is one of my daily read blogs and Lisa is a knowledgeable and passionate teacher.

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New Deck Interview – The Naked Heart Tarot

  1.  Why I need you in my life- Ten of Swords.  It is time for me to rise up again.  I have been experiencing a long dark night of the soul, tarot included.  I have many plans and lots of good works but I have felt as if the effort of accomplishing them is beyond me.  This is, of course, mostly an attitude problem, and Swords are the the suit of attitudes, but those can be the most difficult to overcome.  So much turmoil as my kids become self sufficient adults, adding two new grandbabies, taking total responsibility for one of them when my husband and I had made a conscious choice to be done raising children.  I have never dealt with change easily or without a lot of inner strife, and I tend to reflect my negative energy inwards and take it out on myself.  I have felt emotionally and physically drained for several months, and the first thing I do in those times is the last thing I should do- let go of tarot and writing.  Tens are the end of a cycle, and this cycle of strife has ended for me.  I am ready to begin anew, which is reflected in the following cards.  This deck is perfect for helping me end one painful phase and move on to a brighter one.
  2. How to work together- Judgement is one of those cards that seems slippery to me.  The typically Christian iconography of the dead answering the trumpet call of a resurrection angel is very particular yet the concept does not always resonate.  I most often interpret Judgement as a call that one can choose to answer, or not.  I have read that inside the chrysalis, a caterpillar becomes utter goo, a glob of nothingness, without form.  I have felt that of myself in the past several months- formless, aimless, and utterly unsure when I will emerge or what I will see when I do.  So, the deck calls, which I feel is simply a way to pick the voice of the Divine from the din of the world, and I will answer, if I choose.  A butterfly forced from its’ protective shell before its’ time would die.  There will be no forcing me to move along.  I can choose to heed the call.
  3.  How you challenge me- The Magician.  This is a deck that will require me to use my inner resources to grow and to learn.  I will not be spoon fed knowledge or peace, but both are there for me to earn through my diligent investment.  I have struggled with showing up recently.  Anything more than survival has seemed too lofty a goal.  But now I have more energy and resources at my disposal so I am ready to invest them wisely.  I will have to look with my eyes and not get too hung up on second guessing myself.
  4. Greatest strength- Ace of Swords.  This is a logical and clear communicating deck with a penchant for sparking new ideas.  Words will not be minced.  There is much potential, but as the other card depicting a butterfly, Judgement, the choice is mine to follow that potential on butterfly wings.
  5. Greatest weakness- Father of Cups.  I am a bit of a wallower at times, wallowing in my feelings, soaking them all up and allowing them to steer me, cresting waves of emotion dictating my days at times.  This deck can’t stop that, and may even give me opportunity to lose myself in feelings.  The trick I have to utilize is to recognize what is healthy acknowledgment of what I am feeling and when I am allowing it to become crashing waves around me.  Whales are unique animals, who live their lives wholly in the water, which in tarot is often representative of emotions, but who must breather air, which the Swords heavily represented in this reading remind me to use my logical thoughts and choosing precise words to counteract my overwhelming feelings.

I am excited to see what my week of working with The Naked Heart Tarot brings!  Please visit the creator’s site to support the deck and learn how to get your own copy.  Thanks to Lisa for making an outstanding Deck Interview Spread!

Deck Review – The Prismatic Tarot


The Prismatic Tarot is an independently published deck by Kelsey Showalter, available at Etsy, and as a stunning app from The Fool’s Dog, LLC.  It was formerly known as The Illuminated Tarot and ran a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2016.  Changing the name seems to have been a good choice as there are a few decks already sporting the “Illuminated” title.  The bold colors and strong lines lend themselves particularly well to presentation on the screen of a phone or tablet, and the apps by The Fool’s Dog have proven themselves to be the standard for the tech loving card reader.

The 78 cards come housed in a standard issue tuck box.  I would prefer a sturdier two part box but with that come further production costs for which not all independent creators are prepared to foot the bill.  The cards are a “standard” tarot size at 4 inches x 2.5 inches and as such should fit nicely into boxes and bags.  The deck is structured as 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana, all with discreet Roman Numerals at the top of the card.  This stylistic choice complements the art and coloring very well, as the cards, while not simplistic, do not waste a single line in frivolity. The earth tone color palette suits the art beautifully.  The deck is by no means a clone deck but is firmly rooted in Waite Smith tradition and some Thoth influences so any reader who has a good grasp on that system should easily read this expressive deck.  It does not include an instruction manual but one does not seem necessary, although a link is included on the box from which the booklet may be downloaded.  The app includes full and vibrant text. The inhabitants of the deck are diverse in ethnicity and gender, sometimes fluid in theirs, but all are chiseled and svelte, with the exception of the self satisfied Nine of Cups.  Some nudity is depicted.  The borderless cards are printed on a flippy and pliable card stock that despite my riffle shuffling does not show any wear on the edges.  The simple white circle within a thinner white circle on a black background that graces the backs of the cards is fully reversible.

Prismatic Back
The Prismatic Tarot – Back

This is a good deck for anyone who prefers a “traditional” system of tarot but does not care for the “traditional” art.  The modern flair and bold style make this a good deck for the modern reader with sitters who won’t be scandalized by the, in my opinion, tasteful nudity.  To me, this deck has a masculine and no nonsense energy about it.  There are esoteric symbols on some of the cards for those who chose to read them but the art should also offer intuitive readers enough to work with in order to glean information from the cards.  Some of the Minors are what I would call moody pips- not fully illustrated with a scene but evocative with the use of symbol and color anyway.

This is not a great deck for someone who does not care for the use of color or uninhibited nudes.  I would not recommend this deck for a person who does not jive with the images, which is true of all decks, nor someone looking for a straight up clone deck.

As for me, I have found the deck to give straight forward, unfrilled readings with little ambiguity.  I will continue to use the deck for my personal readings and as suits the tastes of my clients.


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The Prismatic Tarot – High Priestess, Six of Wands, Page of Cups, Three of Pentacles

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The Prismatic Tarot – King of Pentacles, Seven of Swords, Two of Cups, Death

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The Prismatic Tarot- Ace of Swords, Three of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Judgment


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The Prismatic Tarot – Chariot, Eight of Wands, Seven of Cups, Eight of Swords

These images are from The Prismatic Tarot by Kelsey Showalter and are used for review purposes.  Please visit the Etsy shop for yourself and consider or purchase or have some fun with the app.


Daily Draw – Worry, Pain, Embrace

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Prismatic Tarot

What I think- Nine of Swords.  Obviously, I have been thinking far too much and now I have gotten myself all riled up.  Maybe I can do something about this and maybe I can’t, but being all twisted emotionally has prevented me from taking actionable steps and has stolen the peace I need if this is just to be.  Half of these swords are real and half are just shadows, and I think I have pushed it too far and can no longer tell the difference.

What I feel- Three of Swords.  My back hurts.  It physically hurts.  It will never be fully well again, although sometimes I manage okay with it.

What I do- Lovers.  Since I can’t change a thing with my worry and since the physical pain is just a burden I have to bear, I lean into it all.  I can’t change anything with my worry, so I lean into the circumstances.  I can’t stop my pain so I stop struggling with it.  Come, if you will, or go if you will, pain.  You are not my enemy.

These images are from Prismatic Tarot and are subject to copyright.

Daily Draw – Compassion, Joy, Completion

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What I think- King of Cups.  I think I want to learn more astrology, both for my own edification and to add value to the readings I do for others.

What I feel- Sun.  I feel great!  I snuggle babies all day and I get to bring a sweet one home with me at night.  I love this life and I feel blessed to have it.  I feel happy and optimistic about the future.

What I do- The World.  Do I take up hoop dancing?  I have always wanted to do that but I am about as un-graceful as they come and I feel foolish trying.

These images are from Prismatic Tarot and are subject to copyright, which I do not own.

Daily Draw – Elucidate, Stand, Imbibe

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Prismatic Tarot 

What I think- Page of Swords.  I think it is better to stay silent in some circumstances, and even though I think that is a good option, I often struggle with exercising it.  I have met very few words I didn’t want to say. I think I am naked and vulnerable but the tilt of the hips says I am not too bothered by it.

What I feel- Nine of Wands.  I feel defensive, like I need to take a stand.  I feel like I need to protect myself and those close to me. I feel like this is “mine” and I won’t let it be harmed. Sometimes I feel like the lone soldier standing between destruction and wholeness.

What I do- Nine of Cups.  Whatever, let’s just have a glass of wine or three.  Probably due to what I think and feel, I now feel comfortable and safe enough to let my guard down a little bit and I relax with what I feel I have earned.  Tonight that is a soak and a tea and a good book, a pat of a puppy, and those are all I really want in life anyway.

These images are from Prismatic Tarot and are subject to copyright, which I do not own.

Daily Draw – Hot, Hotter, Hottest

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Prismatic Tarot

What I think- Lovers.  I think the best partnerships marry intuition and practicality, excitement and placid evenings on the sofa, intimacy and reliability.  I think this applies to romances, friendships and even business.  My work needs to be like for me- I have to enjoy the excitement of passion but the comfort of the familiar too.

What I feel- Page of Wands.  I feel excited by a message by something about which I am passionate.  I feel entranced and re-energized by it.

What I do- Knight of Wands.  This card made an appearance in my New Deck Interview with this deck, also in an advising position.  This makes sense, because Knights do.  That is one thing they can be relied on for, doing.  It may not always be elegant, and it may not always be exactly as expected (or even wanted, those impetuous Knights) but they do do.  I am glad to see a card of action here, because I often have a hard time with taking action.  I can theorize and daydream all day long.  I can plan and note and write it all out, but at some point the deeds must be done.  I hear the call of adventure, and instead of snuggling back into warm sheets, I go after it.

These images are from Prismatic Tarot and are under copyright, which I do not own.